How to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

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August 18th, 2017


shutterstock_252811903 - CopyAbsence management encompasses all facets of attendance, including tardiness, frequent or lengthy breaks, and more. These all affect workplace productivity, which has a direct effect on a business’ bottom line. By resolving productivity issues, employers can reduce the related attendance concerns.

Recruit the Right Candidates

If an employer notices continual attendance issues and high turnover rates, the problem may be with whom they are recruiting. Hiring a driven and productive individual from the outset will yield greater results than trying to mold an apathetic individual into a model employee. One way to achieve this is to broaden expectations of what the ideal candidate looks like. For example, older workers or individuals returning to the workplace after a lapse in employment may fit the bill better than traditional entry-level applicants.

Take a Hard Look at Management

If a business has motivated employees, but still experiences problems with productivity, it may be time to examine the management team and their employee relationships. Promoting from within can reinforce a culture of investment in the workplace and a feeling of mutual success. But if a company promotes an individual above their skill level, they may not possess the qualities needed to manage their staff effectively. This often happens when a business promotes talented individuals to a management role because they were good at their previous job. Excelling in a role does not equate to excelling at managing that role. New managers need help navigating their new position. Businesses can avoid this pitfall by investing in developing their management team through both internal and external resources, and by placing a higher-than-usual value on interpersonal skills.

Use Honest Job Descriptions

Employees who abuse their sick leave, take excessive breaks, or arrive late on a regular basis are likely unhappy with their job. Employees who dislike their position will start to look for new employment opportunities. High turnover rates are disruptive, kill productivity, and can impede customer satisfaction. To help reduce new employee turnover rates, companies should be honest in their job descriptions and their representation of the workplace. Recruiting individuals who are unaware of the downsides of their position will feel disappointed when they begin their job. While no company wants to highlight a position’s shortcomings, they can counterbalance the problems by highlighting the benefits.
If your organization has positions or a workplace that don’t have much going for them, it’s time to consider investments in infrastructure, reorganizing employee roles, and creative adjustments to total compensation to make employee recruitment, onboarding, and retention significantly more effective. Addressing employee morale and attendance issues can improve workplace productivity and lead to greater profitability. Actec understands managing attendance can be a daunting task. To learn more about implementing an absence reporting program to improve employee attendance, contact us today.