Is Your Absence Management Policy Flexible?

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March 29th, 2016


shutterstock_306793247 - CopyAbsences count for as much as 35% of a company’s payroll. This makes absence management an important part of reducing costs for an organization. Using strategies that include workplace flexibility as part of a company’s absence management policy can help decrease absences while increasing employee engagement.
What is Workplace Flexibility?
Workplace flexibility is a term used to create manageable accommodations for employees to help them complete necessary tasks. These accommodations can be temporary or permanent and can include a flexibility in location or hours.
Workplace Location Flexibility
Accommodations for workplace flexibility can include:

  • Working from a satellite office
  • Partial or complete telecommuting
  • Some combination of the above accommodations with part-time work at the facility

Work Hours Flexibility
Accommodations for work hours can include:

  • Job sharing
  • Part-time work
  • Flex time
  • Non-standard shifts
  • Compressed work weeks

Benefits of Workplace Flexibility
There are many benefits to workplace flexibility. People who are injured or recovering from an illness can return to work sooner if your company is able to offer telecommuting options or flexible hours. People who are older or disabled may be able to complete tasks successfully if they work part-time or share their position with another employee. Employees with families may be able to telecommute when staying home with a sick child instead of having to call in sick and miss time.
The benefits of instituting workplace flexibility also extend toward improving absence management and increasing the company’s profitability. If your company is looking for alternative ways to decrease absenteeism, contact the experts at Actec.