Absenteeism costs most employers far more than they realize. The problem is two-fold, as employers typically fail to track the extent of the absenteeism, as well as the hard and soft costs related to the incidences of absence. A system is necessary to:
- Track individual employee absences.
- Calculate the cost to the business for unscheduled absences.
- Identify absence fluctuations over different periods
This process can be simple – as long as it’s consistent. Regardless of the simplicity or complexity of your system and policy, you should:
- Define “absence” and “partial absence” so that records are consistent.
- Differentiate between types of absences, particularly between unexcused absences, medical or disability-related absences, and uncontrollable personal emergency.
- Design a notification procedure for employees to report absences.
Depending on size and operational scope, many organizations may benefit from finding an outsourced solution to help manage the process. Click here to learn more.