5 Customer Service Red Flags for Call Centers

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March 9th, 2021


Customer service is a critical component to securing customer loyalty. No matter how stellar a product or service might be, customers will look for other options if the support is lacking. Knowing the warning signs of customer service issues allows businesses to address the problem before it costs them customers. Some of the biggest customer service red flags for call centers include:

  1. Long wait or hold times. The negative effects compound rapidly when a company makes customers wait. If it takes too long for a business to answer a call, the customer begins the conversation from a place of frustration. If the customer then has to wait on hold, that aggravation builds. If they have this experience every time they try to contact customer support, they’ll be more likely to look for a new provider. Customers also expect rapid replies to their chat support and email inquiries.
  2. Communication problems. Businesses noticing an uptick in unanswered calls and open chat windows may have a customer service issue. Not receiving an answer or support is equally as frustrating for customers as it is to sit on hold. Inefficient routing can also irritate customers as they have to repeat their inquiries every time a representative transfers them.
  3. A lack of repeat customers. If a customer likes a product or service, odds are they will make purchases again in the future. If businesses notice a dip in purchases from their established customers, poor customer service may be the culprit.
  4. Customers leave or close accounts without an explanation. Customers don’t always explain why they moved on to a new provider or vendor. However, most customers will break ties with a company after a negative experience with customer service. Keeping an eye on service cancellations or closed accounts can provide some insight into the quality of the company’s customer service.
  5. Prioritizing speed over quality. If a company evaluates customer service representatives based on how many calls or inquiries they resolve, this will cause representatives to rush. Rushing rarely produces quality customer service, and representatives may provide incorrect answers in their haste. Customers can sense when a representative is trying to complete the call as quickly as possible, and the quality of service often lags as well.

Providing superior customer service is critical to retaining existing customers and their business. Investing in a high-quality call center can help ensure the customer’s experience is satisfactory from start to finish. Contact the experts at Actec to learn how a nearshore call center can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.