Are FNOL Apps The Next Big Thing?

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February 2nd, 2016


The saying “there’s an app for that” doesn’t apply to First Notice of Loss (FNOL). At least not yet. As insurance companies rush to maintain competitive advantage with top of the line service offerings, an FNOL app may be the next big thing. But is it what customers want?
People Don’t Think About Insurance
People don’t think about their insurance. Then, when something does happen, the last thing a person thinks about is contacting their insurance agent. FNOL reports are often delayed because the insured didn’t consider reporting the loss while in the middle of the situation.
An App May Fix That
People do love their smart phones and are always looking for new apps to make their lives easier. If they had an FNOL reporting app on their phone they may consider filing their claim sooner. It would also benefit companies because they wouldn’t have to have 24/7 call centers staffed with agents who specialize in FNOL intake.
Do Customers Want It?
Would customers want to use an FNOL app or does it just sound good to insurance companies? Older customers still feel more comfortable talking to people on the phone when handling important matters such as First Notice of Loss. Even millennials, who love DIY portals on websites, still prefer to call their insurance agents in certain situations, such as discussing their policy, payment issues and filing claims.
So for now an FNOL app doesn’t seem like a good solution to intake claim management. It is still important to have an effective FNOL intake strategy in place, which includes a 24/7 365 call center.
Contact the experts at Actec for more information about our proprietary intake solution, and how you can use it to improve workflow and improve customer satisfaction.

FNOL Workflow Enhanced With Tailored Solutions

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January 19th, 2016


Costs related to data errors and processing inefficiencies are the most expensive elements of the FNOL process. If you can create a customized workflow with tailored software and intake management solutions, your company can improve return on investment and increase customer satisfaction.
Multiple Systems Involved with FNOLshutterstock_252811903 - Copy
First notice of loss reporting combines both customer relationship management systems and content management systems. Information updates aren’t always available in real time, which can impact the entire claims process. It can also lead to expensive situations, such as:

  • Delayed status reports
  • Processing delays due to verification from multiple systems
  • Data entry errors due to a lag in system updates
  • Processing mismanagement due to misfiling of claims

Intuitive and Customized Workflow
In order to increase efficiency, companies need a customized workflow that helps guide agents and documents through a customized system for specific business needs. This can help:

  • Guide agents through the correct process
  • Route claims through proper handling systems
  • Track activity to offer status updates
  • Offer a 24/7 touchpoint for the customer

A one size fits all software solution may not be right for your business. Contact the experts at Actec for more information about our proprietary intake solution.

FNOL: Advanced Listening Strategies

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January 5th, 2016


Making a connection over the phone is difficult in the best situations. Customer service and sales professionals have to engender trust and form a relationship with guarded, stressed or hostile individuals. Advanced listening strategies can help you make First Notice of Loss situations a better experience for everyone.
shutterstock_138016598 - CopyMore Than Active Listening
Active listening skills are an important part of customer related positions. However, in situations such as FNOL calls, basic listening skills aren’t enough. Repeating what the customer says verbatim may show you were listening, but doesn’t show you comprehend the situation.
Advanced active listening skills include:

  • Listening for verbal cues
  • Repeating what the customer said in your own words
  • Confirm that you heard the customer correctly
  • Ask relevant questions to close the conversation

Listening for verbal cues will help you understand key pieces of information, even if they don’t say everything you need out loud to complete your forms. Jotting down information will help you rephrase what the customer said and form the relevant questions you will ask.
Confirming what you heard after you rephrase what the customer told you is important. Many people will point out if you misheard a point, however in stressful situations such as a FNOL call, customers may not catch discrepancies.
Therefore, it is important to ask them directly if you understood what they were trying to say. This will help ensure you complete the forms correctly and will avoid issues with the claim later in the process.
Asking relevant questions will show your experience and reduce the customer’s stress level. Nothing makes people more frustrated than being asked pointless questions they may have already answered. Only ask what is necessary to complete the form and then move on to what the customer has to do next to complete the FNOL process.
Using these techniques will help engender trust early in the conversation and make the FNOL call successful. You will be able to complete the forms accurately and you will improve the customer experience. For more claims handling and first notice of loss expert tips, contact the experts at Actec today.

FNOL Strategies: Top 5 FNOL Blog Posts

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December 21st, 2015


First Notice of Loss (FNOL) call centers are more than just a method for your customers to file a claim. They are a way to differentiate your company from your competitors and improve customer satisfaction.  Whether you handle FNOL reporting in-house or outsource your call center process to a third party, it is important to understand FNOL strategies.
Our five most popular blog posts will help you comprehend vital aspects of FNOL, including:

  • The significance of workflow managementabsence management video image border
  • The software, hardware and human resources necessary for FNOL management
  • How to balance business needs with state requirements and customer demands with FNOL reporting
  • How a multi-channel FNOL strategy is important for customer satisfaction
  • The value of creating a one-call solution for FNOL reporting

The top five FNOL blog posts of 2015 are:

Reducing costs while increasing customer satisfaction will improve the ROI of FNOL management. Third party call centers are an effective alternative for in-house FNOL reporting. Third party companies have the up to date solutions and trained staff to handle a variety of FNOL reporting services and can offer professional solutions for reasonable rates.
To help your company understand the intricacies of customer intake solutions, claims handling and first notice of loss, contact the experts at Actec today.

Improve FNOL One Call Intake Management

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December 7th, 2015


shutterstock_138016598 - CopyCreating a one-call solution for FNOL management improves customer satisfaction and claim processing. Having the right staff, software and process in place will help get the right data in the right place in the shortest amount of time.
Incident Reporting in One Call
FNOL call centers are meant to help customers report an incident in a single call. In order for this to happen, you need:

  • Adequate staff for 24/7 365 reporting
  • Trained staff that can collect all relevant details
  • Software that files data electronically
  • Processes that reduce paperwork and unnecessary communication

Call center operators need to be able to enter all information quickly and efficiently so that they can reassure your customers and advise them of necessary next steps. This isn’t always possible in-house, so some companies look to outsourcing.
Outsource Requirements
When reviewing possible FNOL call centers you should make sure that, they meet basic requirements, including:

  • Adequate staffing of trained operators
  • Up to date systems
  • Personalizes solutions to meet your needs
  • Ability to escalate the call when necessary

These requirements will help your customers receive the customer service solutions they deserve and your company receives the data it needs to complete the loss management process.
To help your company understand the intricacies of customer intake solutions, claims handling and first notice of loss, contact the experts at Actec today.

FNOL Management Starts with Gaining Control

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November 17th, 2015


When people are upset they don’t always remember details and can become easily frustrated. Because FNOL management is vital to both the company and the insured, it is important to make that first contact count. Trained representatives can obtain important information during a FNOL contact by gaining control of the conversation and guiding customers through the process.
Don’t Interrupt
Listening skills are important when working in a call center and training often focuses on operators improving active listening expertise. However, part of good listening that is often forgotten is not interrupting the person who is speaking.
It is best to let the person explain what happened without interruption. During the narrative, the operator can jot down notes of important details they can go over when the person is done. Letting the person talk it out often reveals many particulars the operator can use to complete the necessary forms.
Be Empathetic
The customer needs to know that the company realizes this is a terrible event and empathizes with him. Saying things such as “I can imagine how difficult this must be” will let the customer know the operator and the company cares.
Take the Lead
It is also important that the customer is confident they are talking to a professional. The person is upset and frustrated and wants to feel like something is being done to help. If the operator is calm, courteous and professional during the conversation it will help the customer relax enough to give the necessary information.
FNOL management requires the right information as quickly as possible in order to reduce loss or improve chances of recovery. The sooner the company can complete the necessary documents the faster the next phase of the process can begin. Professional operators who are empathetic and have active listening skills will increase the success of the FNOL process from the moment the insured calls the contact center.
FNOL reporting is your company’s opportunity to put its best foot forward. For more information about first notice of loss and 24/7 claims reporting, contact the experts at Actec.

Enhance Customer Experience With First Notice of Loss Solutions

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September 15th, 2015


Customers never think about insurance until they need it. When it comes time to file a claim, consumers want the process to be fast, streamlined, and accessible. By modernizing your FNOL processing you will be able to improve the customer experience.
Customize the Claims Process
Companies need to customize the claims process with software solutions, electronic delivery, and online communications tailored to their business model and the needs of their clients. Customers demand solutions that meet or exceed their expectations while conforming to their logistical challenges..
Synchronize Processing
FNOL is only one step in a complicated processing chain. Each step of the process may be handled by different departments, but claims processing needs to be synchronized so that the experience is seamless for customers.
Uncomplicated Processing
Customers need assistance when they’ve been the victim of theft, automotive collision, and a host of other unfortunate events. The last thing they need to worry about is navigating a complicated claims process. Updating your process with data management, cloud and CRM systems will help your company make claim intake and the FNOL process easier for your customers.
State Requirements
Your customers consider you the authority regarding state policies and requirements. Your representatives need to have the answers for customers as well as understand company obligations. Talking customers through the process and letting them know your organization will handle state requirements will put their mind at ease.
Simplifying the Process for the Company
When you are working to enhance the customer experience you also need to find ways to make it easier for your company to manage claims. Sometimes outsourcing FNOL solutions can allow your company to focus on other aspects of managing claims. For more information about absence reporting, first notice of loss, and 24/7 claims reporting, contact the experts at Actec.

After-Hours Reporting

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April 27th, 2015


An accident can happen at any hour of the day. Knowing the help you need is available outside of normal business hours is essential for your personal sense of security.

Most insurance agencies have a hotline that operates 24/7 with professionals waiting to come to your aide — day or night. Some even offer online reporting for an added convenience. After-hours reporting is a service that’s sometimes outsourced to a third party to free up time for company employees. In addition, there are several benefits to accommodating customers after 5 p.m.:

  • An accident can be reported at any time. There’s no waiting until the next day.
  • It creates trust between the victim and the insurance agency.
  • Benefits are delivered in a timely manner.

Accessible claim reporting is something most customers just expect of their insurance companies. Make sure your company’s system is flexible and designed based on the needs of your clients. For more information on how Actec can help you with an after-hours service, click here.

9 Tips for Better Claims Management

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March 26th, 2015


The best claims management techniques will control costs, and improve a company’s employee retention. Mentioned below are 9 tips to do exactly that:

  1. Understand the people and responsibilities of all participants involved.
  2. Ensure that all individuals understand their roles and responsibilities.
  3. Document all injuries, whether they are major, or minor.
  4. Report everything without leaving out any detail.
  5. Train staff on filing claims, and encourage employees to take the appropriate steps.
  6. Work-related, and non-work-related claims must be treated equally.
  7. Do not be biased with employees, and ensure equal treatment of all claimants.
  8. Document, document, document everything.
  9. Cultivate your relationships with the claimants, even after settlements.

Companies should encourage their employees to be honest with the management. At the same time managers need to be respectful and patient with the concerned parties. To know more about Actec and how we can assist your business’ claim management procedures, click here.

Top Incident Reporting & Claims Management Blogs

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October 14th, 2014


Incident reporting and claims management are vital components of an effective first notice of loss program. Executing these fundamental yet nuanced tasks requires a deep understanding of claim intake methodology, a high degree of organization, and a sense of urgency. To better understand why these issues are so important for your business and the ramifications of going without FNOL solutions, check out these blogs: