Absence Management – How Do You Deal With Long-Term Absence?

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July 14th, 2015


Businesses are increasingly recognizing the significant costs associated with managing high levels of employee absence. Managers are often unsure about the level and nature of the problems they may be facing, or about how these problems are most effectively addressed.
Most managers realize that some absence is inevitable. Truthfully, no one wants a genuinely ill employee on the job. Furthermore, most managers recognize that handling individual absence issues is often complex and potentially sensitive.
Organizations need to address their absence management policies directly. A good place to start is with assessment:

  1. Do you have an absence problem?
  2. How do you develop an absence strategy?
  3. How do you deal with short-term absences?
  4. How do you deal with long-term absences?

If an employee has been absent from work for an extended period, the employer needs to consider questions such as:

  • Do you know when the employee is likely to return to work?
  • If not, what steps can you take to investigate and obtain a clearer prognosis?
  • If so, are there any practical steps that can be taken to help the individual return to work sooner?
  • What support and contact is appropriate while the individual is absent?
  • What actions should you and/or the employer take to prepare for the return to work at the appropriate time?
  • What support might the individual require following his or her return to work?

Research shows that long-term absence is generally handled most effectively through early intervention and action – the longer the period of absence, the less likely the employee is going to be able to return to work. Although most absence is attributable to genuine medical factors, the precise nature, extent and potential implications of a given medical condition may be difficult to determine.
The American Institute of Stress reports that job stress is the number cause of workplace absenteeism. Acute medical conditions rate the second highest cause, ahead of mental illness. For all of these conditions, it is difficult to obtain a precise prognosis of the individual’s expected return date.
Actec Systems has been the leader of Day 1 Absence Management since 1989. We are here to help commercial and personal insurance carriers, self-insured companies, third-party administrators and managed-care organizations with their absence management needs. Contact us at 1-800-862-2832 today – we’d love to hear from you!

Workplace Measures that Call Centers Can Take to Reduce Absenteeism and Turnover

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June 25th, 2015


Call centers are notorious for high levels of absenteeism and turnover. Lack of job stability, irregular and changing schedules and high levels of burnout are all significant factors that affect employee attendance and long-term job tenure.
Call center agents (employees) are the heart of the call center. They work directly with customers through telephone interactions. The success of the call center operations are dependent on how the advanced technology is linked with a client-centered attitude among management and agents.
Call center staffing growth is estimated at about 40-50 percent (Kleeman and Matuschek, 2002.) Call centers mostly use standardized procedures and processes based on standardized information technology software. Voice Response Units (VRUs), Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems and speech recognition systems are common.
Call center work is perceived as knowledge-intensive and requires skilled employees. They are a competitive advantage for insurance agencies because they ensure better service to, and maintain direct contact with, clients and customers, resulting in greater workplace efficiency and a reduction of costs.
Typically, call centers have a relatively high number of short-term workers with flexible employment arrangements. Non-traditional employment agreements (temporary, part-time, flexible) are needed due to the unpredictable nature of call volume. The work tends to be highly repetitious and is often analyzed by electronic performance monitoring systems.
Taking measures to address the uncertainty of work schedules and giving employees the opportunity to become involved in the work development have been shown to be effective measures for reducing worker absenteeism and turnover. Examples of these measures include:

  1. Encouraging employees to be involved in the training and coaching of new employees.
  2. Encouraging employees to participate in special projects.
  3. Implementation of employee recognition programs
  4. Acknowledgement of success

By creating an environment where the employee is “highly involved” and that fosters a focus on customer satisfaction, your agency will increase retention rates, reduce absenteeism and nurture an environment where customer service is refined and perfected.

7 Ways to Combat Workplace Absenteeism

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June 17th, 2015


Chronic absenteeism can be very destructive to a work team. We all know that some absenteeism is inevitable, but habitual, persistent absenteeism can wreak havoc in the workplace and seriously undermine employee morale.
Here are 7 strategies that may help supervisors and managers address the problem of overly-frequent absences.
1.    Conduct “back-to-work” interviews
Set up an interview with the returning employee to ascertain the reason behind the absence and determine whether they are being genuine. This strategy also helps the company stay engaged with the employee. When strong policies and procedures are adhered to, it can help reduce absence and tardiness.
2.    Flexible scheduling
Flexible scheduling can reduce absenteeism if handled correctly. Sometimes employees are in situations that force them to be absent even if they want to be at work. Allow employees to have a say in custom-designed schedules that work better for them as long as the work is covered adequately.
3.    Document, document, document
Good documentation is essential for tracking absenteeism patterns. Make sure rules are applied to all employees equally.
4.    Tie incentive programs to attendance
Reward employees with good attendance with recognition and meaningful incentives. Make sure employees know that those conscientious enough to arrive at work on time and help their team will be rewarded.
5.    Allow for shift swaps
Things come up. Allowing staff to trade or swap shifts gives some the flexibility they need to be successful with their attendance goals.
6.    Train line managers
If line managers are knowledgeable about absenteeism causes and remedies, they are more likely to be understanding when there is a genuine need for a staff member to be absent from work, but will be able to identify serious problems as well as help facilitate a more successful attendance record among their staff.
7.    Help employees balance their work / life responsibilities
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and other workplace programs can go a long way toward preventing and solving the work/life issues of the worker. Recognize that different employees have different needs; often a certain degree of flexibility can help them make it through extenuating circumstances.
Paying attention to absenteeism patterns, extending flexible work solutions and helping employees manage their work/life responsibilities can go a long way toward addressing chronic absenteeism. Reward and incentive programs have also been shown to be effective.

Absence Management Fundamentals

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June 12th, 2015


Understanding the Underlying Causes of Absenteeism

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June 3rd, 2015


Employee absenteeism is a major cost for many employers. Absenteeism is more than someone taking a day off here or there for illness, family emergencies or other normal, valid and reasonable causes. Absenteeism is when an employee has excessive or habitual workdays missed every month. Absenteeism can have a major effect on company finances and morale.
Causes of Absenteeism

  • Illness

Injuries, illness and medical appointments are the most common reasons provided for missed work. An employee may call in “sick” for other reasons as well. Predictably, there is a dramatic spike in missed days due to illness during the cold and flu season.

  • Injury

Injuries can be sustained on the job or outside of work. In addition to acute injuries, chronic injuries such as neck and back pain are a common cause of absenteeism.

  • Child care and elder care

Most employees have a regular child care arrangement set up, but when that falls through or a child/elder is sick, parents are forced to miss work.

  • Bullying and harassment

Employees that are bullied or feel harassed by an employer are more likely to call in sick as an avoidance tactic.

  • Burnout, stress and low morale

When an employee is overworked or the workplace is stressful, they will call in sick more frequently. This also applies to personal stress. Feeling unappreciated is also a factor.

  • Depression

The leading cause of absenteeism is depression (National Institute of Mental Health.) Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol can be a result of chronic depression.

  • Disengagement

Disengagement occurs when employees are not committed to their jobs and lack the motivation to go to work.

  • Job search

Employees that are looking for other employment will call in sick to work on their resume, visit a recruiter or attend a job interview.

  • Incomplete shifts

Employees that are habitually late, take long breaks and leave the job early are considered to have a problem with absenteeism.
Occasional absences from work are inevitable; afterall, it’s human to get sick or injured or have to take care of family members. Everyone has personal business to attend to during normal business hours at times. Nevertheless, absenteeism can take a major toll on a company. Understanding the underlying causes of absenteeism is the first step to finding ways to reduce and respond to the problem.

Absence Management Best Practices

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May 27th, 2015


Do you know how much your business is affected by employee absence? Do you know what percentage of your employee absences are controllable? Without a firm grasp of your employee absenteeism, it’s impossible for your business to make measurable, sustainable improvements in your workplace. Here are just a few reasons why employee absences must be tracked:

  • Unexpected absences can reduce the performance of the absent employee
  • Both planned and unplanned absences can increase workload and strain on team dynamics
  • Untracked absences can lead to employees unintentionally taking more vacation or sick time than they are allotted, or (intentionally or not) taking said time off without it counting against their total time available
  • Absence patterns, though potentially coincidental, can cause a workplace to seem lackluster, chaotic, or disorganized to clients, prospects, and employees
To learn more about assessing and improving your employee absence management practices, contact Actec Systems.


Absence Management a Top Concern for Employers

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May 20th, 2015


Workplace absences, both short-term “casual” absences as well as long-term absences
due to family leave, disability and illness, affect employers of all sizes. While these types of absences are difficult for any employer, smaller businesses (employing less than 500 people) may experience the effects of absenteeism more adversely than large businesses.

Each year, employers spent 4.1 percent of payroll costs on unscheduled absences. Among large employers, as much as $850,000 is spent each year in payroll costs. (Disability Management Employer Coalition, 2014.)

Are workplace absences affecting your bottomline? What absenteeism management solutions have you considered implementing? Have you considered improving your absenteeism time tracking? What about improving your workforce scheduling procedures? Or perhaps you have considered implementing labor analytics software that will help with strategic planning and day-to-day decision-making.

In order to be truly effective, absence management systems need to be able to address multiple layers of the issues employers face. Truly managing absence and reducing absence-related costs requires a comprehensive approach. Look for solutions that:

  • Help managers quickly fill vacancies using advanced technology
  • Allow employees to swap shifts, which can dramatically reduce unnecessary absences
  • Track accruals in real-time so managers can approve requests based on accurate forecasting
  • Help HR determine leave eligibility based on the most current leave laws and company policies
  • Manage intermittent leaves without resorting to manual workarounds
  • Streamline communications related to absenteeism
  • Provide a well-documented audit trail

Actec Day 1 Absence Management Services can help employers simplify the leave process. We will help you customize your absence-related communications, administration and recordkeeping. Contact us today for more information. Click here or call us at 1-800-862-2832.

Speech Analytics a Valuable Technology for Insurance First Notice of Loss Centers

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May 13th, 2015


Speech analytics is one of the fastest growing technologies in contact centers. Speech
analytics is the process of analyzing recorded calls in order to review and improve customer interactions with company representatives. The general focus of the analysis includes:

  • topics being discussed
  • emotional character of the speech
  • analysis of speech patterns, and
  • the amount, frequency and location of non-speech patterns which generally represent hold times)

Valuable Tool
Speech analytics is used to gather critical business intelligence that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. Phone interactions between representatives and customers are analyzed and categorized. Useful information is gleaned in a process called audio mining. Companies are finding this technology is useful for understanding more about the customer experience and what customers really think about their company. This gives them the opportunity to evaluate and make adjustments to their customer service policies and procedures. Speech analytics are a valuable tool for determining the training and coaching needs of customer service representatives.
Precision and Recall Measures
While speech analytics have come a long way since they were first introduced into the business world, it still can be difficult to make meaningful comparisons between the accuracy of varying speech analytics programs. What matters most to the evaluator (and the person being evaluated) is the accuracy of the program to point out real issues. Typically, precision and recall measures are used to quantify the responses of the analytics search system. Precision measures the proportion of search results that are relevant to the topic being analyzed. Recall measures the proportion of the total times a relevant search was returned. For example, if a researcher is looking for a specific phrase, precision would be the proportion of times the phrase was found within the context of the overall audio file, and recall would be measured by how many times the phrase is found within the file.
The information gathered through speech analytics technology makes it easier for supervisors, analysts and others in the company to spot changes in customer behavior and make refinements to the customer service delivery process that, in the end, increases customer satisfaction.

Why Your Employees Are Missing Work

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May 5th, 2015


If your employees are missing work, and you can’t figure out why, these are a few things
to consider. Did you know the average number of work days missed by a full-time employee diagnosed with clinical depression is twice as much as someone without it? Consistent absences are also connected to things like poor eating habits, poor health, financial strains, relationship complications and other emotional stresses. If you find that wellness issues are the main reason your employees are missing work, what programs do you have in place to address them?

Try thinking of fun ways to get your employees to exercise or quit smoking. Many organizations hold their own “Biggest Loser” competitions to motivate their workforce to get into shape. You might also offer an Employee Assistance Program for those who are struggling with issues that require a professional counselor.
For information on how we can help you reduce unnecessary missed work days in your office, click here.

Do You Know Where Your Employees Are?

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March 19th, 2015


Do you know why your employees aren’t at work each day? Most employers today are facing an increasingly competitive industry for locating and hiring new personnel. A lot of firms that face this problem today aren’t sure of how to address it.

An absence management system needs to have a well thought out plan to be implemented and needs room for flexibility too. The topic of absence is a broad issue that spans across a number of situations i.e. disability benefits, vacations, leave due to sickness and others.

No matter what the reason may be, absence from a business standpoint is a loss in productivity and ultimately affects the company’s bottom line. Keeping all of it mind, business managers need to employ a proper absence management system and protocol to reduce absenteeism, bearing in mind that employees are people at the end of the day and may have genuine reasons for not reporting to work.

To know more about Actec and how we can help you employ an effective absence management system, click here.