Absence Management Fundamentals

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February 11th, 2015


Absence management
pertains to any illness or unsanctioned absence from work. The rate of absenteeism can vary depending on the size of your company, but no matter the size it is vital to remember that absence is a cost for the company. This applies to the financial and operational aspect as well.

Given this, what are the main causes of absenteeism?

  • Short/long term sickness
  • Pressure at the workplace
  • Worry and unhappiness
  • Issues with family

There is no clear solution to absence, however firms can have procedures in place when an employee returns to work. Interviews and disciplinary actions will do the job well. Remember to always be careful to not to demean the employee.

One big reason to implement these protocols is to cut the employee costs and improve their engagement with the company, all of which will increase the all-round productivity. Similarly a key factor in cutting illness absence, is the commitment of senior level associates.

To know more about how our absence management system can aid your business click here.

Better Day 1 Absence Management

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January 20th, 2015


Employee well being is now addressed as a huge risk and cost for businesses. Absence plays a huge role in part of this cost, forced forward by by a lack of strong information and fickle procedures for absence reporting and management.

For example, absence due to sickness can have a substantial impact on the operations of a business. It results in a lot of working days lost which hampers the performance of the company as well as day to day carrying out of tasks.

Our system of absence management provides vital intervention and vigorous reporting which enables a company to better understand and lessen the possibility and expense of employee absence. With the help of our system, your business stands to gain and understand the following:

  • Upsurge productivity by diminishing the length as well as number of absences
  • Enhance and accelerate claims reporting and reviews
  • Trace and calculate regularity and expenses of absences

Click here to understand exactly how an effective program can improve and strengthen your business and its workforce.

Managing Excessive Employee Absenteeism

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January 6th, 2015


Absenteeism costs can stack up, especially if you’re unable to track how and where those costs are being incurred. If your payroll records aren’t already doing this, you need to put some kind of system in place. Records (or time cards) can be used to:

  • Track individual employee absences.
  • Calculate the cost to the business for unscheduled absences.
  • Pinpoint absence fluctuations over different time periods, or at different times of the year.

This process can be as simple as keeping a tally of when an employee is not at work. Regardless of the simplicity or complexity of your system and policy, you should:

  • Define “absence” and “partial absence” so that records are consistent.
  • Differentiate between types of absences, particularly between unexcused absences, medical or disability-related absences, and uncontrollable personal emergency.
  • Design a notification procedure for employees to report absences.

Depending on the size and operations, some companies can benefit from finding an outsourced solution to help manage the process. Click here if you would like to learn more.

8 Simple Steps For Discussing Employee Attendance

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December 29th, 2014


Employee attendance issues should be handled in an effective manner that conveys the company standpoint across without putting the employee down. Read on for eight simple steps that can help you manage the process in a thoughtful manner, one that ensures everything goes smoothly when an issue arises.

  1. Prepare for the meeting by gathering all the facts, including dates of absence or tardiness, reasons given for each incident, and any supporting documentation or notes.
  2. Meet with the employee privately. The sales floor, lunch room or an open cubicle are not the right settings for a discussion about employee absenteeism.
  3. Be sure they know this meeting is for information-gathering rather than condemnation or threats.
  4. Remember, this employee is a valuable part of your business. Your focus should be on solving a problem, not punishing someone for breaking rules.
  5. Explain how the missed work days hurt the business.
  6. Ask questions about the reasons for the employee’s absences.
  7. If there is a consistent reason for the employee absences, see if there is a solution you can offer.
  8. After the meeting, monitor your employee’s attendance and address any additional concerns as soon as they arise.

In addition, it’s important to have a solid process for tracking employee absenteeism. Click here to learn more about the solutions available.

Absence Management and Your Business

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December 4th, 2014


Tracking absences accurately both in type and duration stands as a cornerstone of shrink reduction and cost management for nearly all medium and large businesses. Yet so many businesses dedicate little or no resources to this process. As a result, millions of hours of waste and fraud occur each year in the United States. Though absence management programs can run in-house, the high costs associated with employing and training such a team can defeat the purpose of cost-saving and shrink management for which absence management was created.

Outsourcing a corporate absence management program allows a company to minimize complexity, reduce shrink, and optimize the bottom line. Dedicated absence management software and specialists can efficiently and accurately track the wide variety of absences associated with modern business, and even find ways to improve and incentivize more effective absence policies. To learn more about absence management and your business, contact us.

Outsourcing Absence Management & FNOL

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November 4th, 2014


When it comes to absence management and first notice of loss, timing is crucial. Outsourcing these services to a qualified third party prevents bandwidth restriction and reduces the chance of organizational failure.

Failing to document an absence promptly and accurately can cause significantly more complication down the road. Similarly, returning a first notice call an hour later or the next day may be too late – they may have already contacted an attorney.  This will increase the cost of your claims dramatically and will simultaneously reduce the effectiveness and level of customer service provided by your organization.  This is why many of today’s contact centers employ outsourced call centers staffer with claims professionals to improve the customer experience.

By leveraging a contact center for overflow, nights, weekends and holidays, you will improve the efficiency in your organization by as much as 40% while greatly improving your customer experience.  All of which impact the bottom line.  Today, many high quality call centers outsource FNOL for overflow and non-peak times.

Absence Management Best Practices

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October 21st, 2014


Absence management procedures consist of many complexities and intricacies, but every company should know the fundamentals. This begins with timely coordination. Absences must be reported and confirmed promptly in order to optimize turnaround time. The next step is verification. The type of absence, anticipated duration, and other relevant circumstances must be documented thoroughly and accurately. Next, this data must be stored in an appropriate database where those who need to access the data can do so, and those who shouldn’t cannot. Finally resolution – it’s imperative to follow up so as to confirm the extent of the absence, what transpired, and whether or not further action or reporting is required. Within each of these large steps lie a number of smaller steps. For more information, ask us (the experts)!

Popular FNOL & Absence Management Blogs

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August 27th, 2014


First notice of loss and absence management are strategies crucial to optimizing the bottom line for most medium and large businesses. Regardless of your market segment or region of the globe, tracking and controlling absences, injuries, and damages effectively can improve the security and integrity of your business. Such programs can be implemented in-house through outside training and hiring, or via outsourcing to an expert in the field. To learn more about these and related issues, check out a few of our popular blogs:

Absence Management: What You Don't Know Can Cost You

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August 4th, 2014


Absence management may seem superfluous, but in reality all corporations without it face a variety of unknowns when it comes to lost productivity. How much time is lost due to absence? How well is it tracked? To what extent can these factors be improved upon? How much room is there to enhance savings for the company, and in what ways can employers improve absence experiences for their employees?

Absence management can improve circumstances for all parties involved by improving knowledge, accuracy, and understanding of absence policies and their effects on the workplace. Though these procedures are complex, they can be performed in-house. But many medium-to-large organizations outsource their absence management programs to ensure efficacy and minimize additional effort and staffing. To learn more about the unknowns of your company’s absence policies and how to improve them, contact Actec.

What Is Absence Management?

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July 18th, 2014


Absence management plays a crucial role in a wide variety of corporate environments. It can enhance organizational processes and employee satisfaction while reducing costs. But what is absence management? It is the facilitation of speedy and sustainable return to work of individuals on leave.

Most businesses have employees who go on leave for a variety of reasons. Tracking the dates, reasons, and methods to aid in their return are important and often complex tasks requiring time and attention to detail. For most businesses, this falls outside the realm of their expertise, and is best left to absence management professionals. For more information on absence management and how an effective program can improve your bottom line, contact us.