How to Improve the Insurance Call Center Experience

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January 7th, 2019


When customers dial their insurer’s customer service number, they usually go through a phone tree before connecting with a live person. More often than not, customers make use of this number when they have a problem. This means they’re likely on edge and customer service representatives need to be prepared to handle the call with finesse. A knowledgeable and friendly representative is likely to yield better results than an inexperienced and aloof one.

However, every customer service representative has to start somewhere; without practice, they can’t improve. The following are several methods representatives can utilize to improve the customer’s experience:

  1. Build representatives’ confidence. A customer service representative who isn’t sure of him or herself is likely to stumble through many of their calls. Insurance companies need to provide representatives with the right tools to help them gain confidence in their ability to answer any question a client might ask them as well as offer creative solutions for customers’ problems. Providing onboarding training is a good start, but implementing quarterly training can help keep their skills sharp.
  2. Emphasize soft skills. Most customers become frustrated with customer service representatives because they can come across as uncaring or robotic. Soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are just as important as technical know-how. Insurance companies should provide training for soft skills to teach representatives how to be compassionate while providing accurate information.
  3. Offer peer-to-peer coaching. Training can provide representatives with the foundation they need to offer quality customer support. However, they will encounter situations or develop questions they may feel uncomfortable discussing with their supervisor. This approach to coaching also fosters better relationships between employees.
  4. Focus on quality. Several key performance indicators (KPIs) can help an insurance company pinpoint areas to improve. For example, the industry standard for answering calls within 30 seconds sits at about 80-85%. If an insurance call center is taking longer than this to answer calls, they are already at a disadvantage regarding customer satisfaction.

Customer service representatives field dozens of calls each day. Making sure that each conversation is a satisfactory experience for the customer is vital to customer retention. To learn more about improving the insurance claims call center experience, contact the experts at Actec.

7 Easy Ways to Improve Employee Motivation

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December 24th, 2018


Unmotivated employees are more likely to arrive late for work, leave early, or call out of work altogether. Employee absenteeism doesn’t just wreak havoc on morale; it also takes a large bite out of a company’s bottom line. Absenteeism can cost employers as much as $2500 a day in expenses so it behooves them to find creative ways to keep employees passionate about their work. The following are several suggestions employers can utilize to inspire more enthusiasm in their employees:

  1. Recognize a job well done. Employees need to know their employer appreciates their work. They won’t continue to go above and beyond if their boss never recognizes their effort.
  2. Create small, measurable goals. A project that stretches on for weeks with no end in sight can rapidly demoralize staff. Setting small goals allows staff to visualize their progress and keep them on track.
  3. Celebrate the small things. Applauding milestones helps with motivation as well. Recognition should be specific to the employee to highlight how his or her work directly affects the end goal.
  4. Take breaks at frequent intervals. Employees lose effectiveness the longer they force themselves to work on a tiring project. Sitting for hours on end isn’t healthy either. Taking a five-minute break every hour or so can help employees clear their heads and re-engage with the project.
  5. Explain the big picture. Employees working on small parts of a bigger project may not understand why their work matters. Showing them the big picture and explaining how their work helps achieve that can do wonders for their motivation.
  6. Afford employees more autonomy. Employers and managers often have an idea of how and when a project should progress. However, micromanaging can stifle creativity and lead to resentment. Giving employees more say over their work can improve the final results and their outlook.
  7. Embrace nature. Natural light is vital to keep employees in a good mood. If the office lacks this feature, it may be worth the effort to hold a team meeting outdoors if the weather allows for it. Having a walking meeting can boost creativity as the change of environment allows for new perspectives and fresh ideas.

Improving motivation in the workplace doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Implementing some or all of the above ideas can help boost productivity, improve workplace morale, and have a noticeable effect on employee attendance. To learn more about reducing absenteeism, contact the experts at Actec.

How Poor Employee Attendance Affects Your Bottom Line

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December 17th, 2018


Employee absences have a far-reaching effect on businesses. Routine absences cost companies money due to a decrease in productivity from the missing employee. An employee who is absent on a regular basis affects other worker’s productivity as well since the remaining staff will have to take on the absent employee’s work to meet deadlines. Spread loading work in this manner can also affect morale. Staff members who have to work late will swiftly come to resent the absent employee and likely experience a dip in motivation. It is vital for employers to understand how absenteeism affects the workplace so they can draft and implement effective attendance policies.

Employee and Company Growth

Most businesses hire an individual with the intention to draw on their expertise as well as help them grow in their skills. This benefits the employee as well as the company as it ensures mutual growth. An employee must be present in order to achieve sufficient professional development. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible for an employee to learn new skills. In fact, an employee may experience a regression in their skill set from a disruptive work schedule.

Continuity and Job Performance

An employee with poor attendance affects workflow and continuity for larger projects. A project either comes to a halt or slows down when an employee is not present to do their share of the work. Existing staff members or temporary hires must step in to fill the gap. This is less than ideal because other employees have their own work to perform and temporary workers take time to train.

Employees who rack up several absences without discernible consequences can affect the job performance of other staff members. The cause for this is twofold. Some employees may feel slighted for their efforts. They come to work on time and do their job while the absent employee receives the same benefits without the work. Other employees may see that management is not cracking down on absences. This can cause employees with good attendance to start taking advantage of a weak absenteeism policy.

Conflict Amongst Staff

The staff members left to take on the absent employee’s workload will become resentful over time. This can result in passive aggressive behavior or overt conflicts in the workplace. This can further disrupt productivity, as the employees will not work well together. It also creates a toxic atmosphere that can affect employees not otherwise involved in the conflict. If left unchecked, employers can experience high turnover rates.

Understanding how chronic absenteeism affects your company’s finances and workplace morale is key to implementing effective absence management solutions. Actec can help your business put an absence reporting program into place to track the frequency and cost of absences, increase productivity by reducing absenteeism, and more. To learn more, contact us today.

6 Rules to Follow to Prevent Office-Wide Flu

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December 10th, 2018


Flu season is in full force and people who work in close quarters are at a much higher risk of contracting the disease. The flu can spread in a six-foot radius from a person carrying it. Coughing, sneezing, and talking can spread germs through the air and onto nearby objects. Touching a contaminated surface can spread the contagion if the individuals then touch their mouth, eyes, or nose. Employees who work in a cubical setting or interact with each other closely need to take precautions to avoid getting sick.

  1. Wash your hands often. This may seem obvious, but many people only give their hands a cursory scrub. Individuals that work in an office setting need to wash their hands often with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds to reduce the risk of spreading germs. They should also make sure to use a new clean towel every time. Reusing hand towels is a fast way to spread germs.
  2. Disinfect common area surfaces. People touch certain objects on a daily basis without giving it much thought. For example, wiping down a counter with disinfectant doesn’t do much good if everyone has to use a germ-laden door handle to enter or leave. Cleaning and disinfecting germ hot spots can help prevent an office-wide outbreak of the flu.
  3. Wash coffee cups with hot water and soap. Many employees bring personal coffee mugs to the office, especially if there is a Keurig or coffee station in the workplace. However, many of them only give their mugs a cursory rinse when they’re finished drinking. Their logic is that they are the only person drinking from the mug, but germs can travel through the air and collect in the cup, making them ripe for transmitting diseases.
  4. Reduce social interactions where possible. Shaking hands with coworkers may be polite, but it’s also a quick way to spread germ. Employees should try to limit physical interaction and casual conversation during an active flu season. This can reduce the spread of germs and the likelihood of getting sick.
  5. Don’t wait for the disease to strike. Trying to stem the tide of a flu epidemic after it starts will yield poor results. Infected people are contagious a full 24 hours before symptoms begin and they remain contagious for up to 5-7 days after they initially become ill. Infected individuals can spread germs well before they are symptomatic so it behooves employees to take anti-flu measures before anyone becomes sick.
  6. Communicate clear expectations regarding sick time – employees should know that it is not only acceptable to stay home when contagious, it is imperative. If a sick employee returns to work before they’re better they run the risk of relapsing and getting other employees sick as well.

The flu season doesn’t have to mean rampant employee absences if workplaces put the proper precautions in place. To learn more about managing employee absences, contact the experts at Actec.

5 Strategies to Resolve Claim Complaints

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December 3rd, 2018


When a customer has a complaint about their claim, there is usually a legitimate reason for it. However, upset customers can become irate and difficult to deal with for insurance representatives. Even so, insurance companies can’t afford to overlook dissatisfied customers. It costs much more to attain a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. The following are several methods insurance providers can use to address claim complaints to improve the customer’s satisfaction.

  1. Remain calm. This can be hard if the customer is angry, but it’s important to remember their anger isn’t personal. They are frustrated with the situation, not the person they are speaking to on the phone. Engaging in verbal sparring in an attempt to win the argument does nothing to improve the situation. By remaining calm, representatives maintain a professional demeanor and don’t provide further fuel to the customer’s fury.
  2. Use active listening. Sitting silently through a customer’s complaint can backfire. While representatives shouldn’t interrupt, there are key moments to indicate they are listening to the customer. Phrases such as “Tell me more” or “I see, please continue” let the customer know the representative hears them and it taking their complaint seriously.
  3. Recognize the issue. It is not enough to allow customers to vent themselves into silence. They need to have their insurer recognize the problem at hand. If the company made an error, they need to admit to it. If they didn’t make a mistake, they still need to acknowledge why the customer is upset. Compassion goes a long way toward resolving the customer’s complaint.
  4. Ask questions. Once the customer calms down and the representative understands the problem, he or she can start gathering facts. The representative will need as many relevant details as possible to be able to address the customer’s complaint.
  5. Provide a solution. Not every claim complaint has a neat and tidy solution. Company policies limit representatives to certain resolutions. However, the representative should still let the customer know what he or she is going to do to address their problem.

Following up with the customer after some time has passed can improve their perception about their insurer as well. Even if the representative couldn’t provide the exact solution the customer wanted, following up shows the provider cares about the customer. While insurers can’t avoid all complaints, making sure their claims management processes are airtight can help reduce their frequency. Contact Actec to learn how we can help your company improve its claims process.

How to Make Employee Wellness a Priority in 2019

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November 26th, 2018


Employee wellness programs aren’t a new concept, but they’ve undergone a metamorphosis in recent years. When workplaces first introduced wellness programs, there was a focus on identifying health risks and implementing programs to address them. However, this was a narrow view of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. Modern wellness programs take a more holistic approach to ensure the physical, mental, and fiscal health of their employees as well as many other wellness factors.

Understanding the Shifting Landscape of Wellness Programs

Human Resources and company leadership often struggle to get employees to utilize their benefits to the fullest. This responsibility extends beyond basic health care for a number of reasons. For one, if employees are struggling with mental health or financial issues, they are likely to struggle with giving their work their full focus. For another, the workplace is becoming more competitive than ever. If a rival organization offers wellness programs that meet applicants’ needs, they are likely to pull in more candidates than a business that offers basic health benefits.

Personalizing Health and Wellness Programs

Some wellness programs are universally popular while others appeal to a specific audience. Starting with programs that have the broadest appeal, the following wellness options can help businesses build a personalized wellness package:

  • Retirement options. Many employees wait too long to begin planning for retirement. Help employees secure the greatest retirement savings via 401(k)s, Roth IRAs, or other retirement options the company offers. Consider providing consultant services to explain employees’ options.
  • Managing debt. Financial insecurity can bleed into employees’ everyday life and ability to work. Offering services to consolidate and eliminate debt can help get employees out from under crushing debt. This can include counseling on how to manage debt as well as change behaviors to encourage better finance management.
  • Taking time off work for a minor health concern is often a struggle for employees. They don’t want to use their paid time off for a concern that may turn out to be a non-issue. There is also the inconvenience of falling ill over the weekend or holidays. Telemedicine allows employees to text, email, call, or video chat with a doctor to assess health concerns and determine if an office visit is necessary or not.
  • Nutrition services. This harkens back to the roots of health and wellness programs. Many of the original programs focused on improving employees’ general health and fitness by refining exercise and eating habits. These programs can be as simple as offering healthy snacks in the workplace and paying for gym memberships to as complex as bringing in an onsite nutritionist and personal trainer. By improving employees’ exercise and eating habits, they are less prone to illness and calling out of work.
  • Leaves of absence. Employees have a variety of concerns outside of the workplace that weigh heavily on their minds. The birth or adoption of a child, an elderly relative to care for, or other unexpected situations can require employees to take time off for an extended period of time. Offering a program that allows employees to take a leave of absence for certain circumstances can help them manage stressful situations.

Businesses need to invest in wellness programs that match their employees’ needs. While all employees appreciate retirement planning initiatives, others may not care for nutrition services. Implementing personalized wellness programs not only keeps employees happy it also keeps them present. Employees struggling with physical, emotional, or fiscal health issues are prone to stress, illness, and absenteeism. To learn more about improving employee productivity and attendance, contact the experts at Actec.

5 Ways Insurance Agents Can Improve the Claims Experience

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November 19th, 2018


Insurance agents influence claims during every step of the claim cycle. This gives them the unique opportunity to ensure the customer is experiencing the best service possible during a challenging period in their life. When a customer calls to report a claim, they are likely stressed and in need of compassion. The following are several ways insurance agents can help customers navigate the claims process:

  1. Follow up throughout the entire claim. Even if there is no new information, customers want to hear about the progress of their claim. Many customers feel uncomfortable or like they’re being pushy if they call to ask for an update. They appreciate when insurance agents keep them in the loop, which improves customer loyalty and the claims experience.
  2. Be a point of contact. Insurance claims pass through several hands during the claims process. More than one adjuster may be involved, the claim may go through multiple insurance providers depending on the situation, and scheduling damage assessment on top of all of that can make a customer’s head spin. Let the customer know they can always reach out to you to find out where they are in the claim and what the next step to take is.
  3. Make sure they understand their coverage. Just because a customer purchased his or her insurance policy doesn’t mean he or she understands everything about it. Customers may have known the minutia of their policies when they first bought them, but they’re likely to forget over time. Insurance agents should explain their customers’ coverage in general terms until they have all the facts about the claim.
  4. Listen to complaints. It is near impossible to complete a claim without some sort of snag or delay. More often than not, frustrated clients just want a sympathetic ear and an apology. Most complaints don’t require more than that and can boost customer retention.
  5. Encourage prompt action. Claim delays are one of the biggest sources of frustration for customers. However, they are often the cause of the delay themselves. Pointing this out to them won’t earn any favors, but insurance adjusters can encourage them to respond to requests for documents as fast as possible. This can help keep the claim on track and improve their overall experience.

Most customers want and need someone to hold their hand through the claims process. Insurance agents who provide guidance and compassion can enhance the claims process, improve customer satisfaction, and boost customer retention. To learn more about improving the claims process, contact the experts at Actec.

How to Keep Employees Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

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November 12th, 2018


Cold and flu season is in full force, which means employee absences are likely to increase. One sick employee can start a domino effect of employees calling out sick and a massive loss in productivity during the final quarter. However, this doesn’t mean managers have to accept rampant disease in the office as an inevitable outcome.

Focus on Prevention Rather Than Reaction

Trying to quell germs once they invade the office is much harder than keeping them out in the first place. Stopping the spread of bacteria reduces absenteeism, improves productivity, and stabilizes office morale. The following are several steps managers can take to reduce the spread of illnesses:

  1. Encourage or offer company-sponsored flu shots. Flu season begins in October and can last through May. Offering to pay for the shot can incentivize employees. Make sure employees are aware of any sponsored flu shot programs by sending out emails and hanging flyers in break areas.
  2. Encourage good hygiene. Most people know they need to wash their hands after using the restroom but not many take their own workspace into consideration. Encourage employees to keep their desks clean and keep hand sanitizer nearby. A recent study shows that using hand sanitizer in the office can reduce preventable health care claims by more than 20 percent.
  3. Encourage employees to use their sick leave. Many employees try to work even when they are ill for a number of reasons. Some may feel pressured by tight deadlines while others may fear running out of sick leave. Managers need to make sure employees know the company leadership cares about their health and doesn’t want them working while they are ill. Sick workers are less productive and can infect other employees, compounding the problem.
  4. Invest in hands-free appliances. Employees touch several communal items throughout the day that can contribute to the spread of germs. By installing hands-free soap dispensers, sink faucets, paper towel dispensers, and more, employers can reduce the spread of disease around the office.

Taking steps to prevent the spread of germs among staff members goes a long way toward keeping employees healthy and productive. Contact the experts at Actec to learn more about managing employees absences.

Increase Customer Satisfaction After Receiving a Claim

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November 5th, 2018


First notice of loss (FNOL) represents the single greatest opportunity to establish a positive experience for customers filing insurance claims. However, while it’s the biggest, it’s not the only moment that can score customer satisfaction points. The following are several methods insurance representatives can use to improve the claims process following FNOL.

  1. Keep it simple. Many customers choose to report a loss over the phone, but there are a number of mobile options available to them. However, many of these mobile platforms lack clear instructions on what the insured needs to provide. This means a representative will have to call them and ask them to clarify everything they already provided. This causes the customer to feel harangued and irritated. By providing clear details on mobile apps and websites, insurance providers can ensure a smoother experience.
  2. Speed it up. Many claims stall during the evidence collection phase. Numerous insurers schedule and send out adjusters to assess the damage. Unfortunately, the resources needed to collect and assess the claim’s data are often lacking, causing delays. The more successful insurance providers are starting to rely more heavily on mobile apps to help them collect information to avoid these aggravation-inducing delays.
  3. Update often. Even if there is no change in a customer’s claim status, he or she wants to know about it. Leaving customers wondering where they are in the claims process is frustrating. This can be as simple as an automated email or as personal as a phone call.
  4. Rapid payouts. When an insurer settles a claim, the customer understandably wants their money as fast as possible. While many insurance companies still send check in the mail, some are beginning to offer direct deposit as a much quicker option.
  5. Follow up. Many insurance companies sever communications with customers once they close their claims. However, this wastes a valuable opportunity to get feedback from customers. Insurers can learn where the pain points are in their processes and identify ways to improve.

Considering that 20% of customers never complain and opt to find a new insurance company instead, it behooves insurers to make their claims process as easy and pleasant as possible. To learn more about improving the claims process, contact the experts at Actec.

How to Reduce Employee Tardiness in 5 Simple Steps

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October 23rd, 2018


Employee tardiness is an ongoing problem for many businesses. It costs companies money in diminished productivity, reduced morale, and increased stress for the staff. More than one-quarter of employees report being late to work at least once per month. The most common reasons for being late include inclement weather, traffic, and oversleeping. While tardiness is sometimes unavoidable, chronic lateness is a problem managers need to address. The following steps can help improve employee promptness:

  1. Write a clear attendance policy. This may seem obvious, but not every employee handbook includes a section on tardiness. Many focus on sick days or vacation days without addressing arriving on time.
  2. Looks for professional conflicts. Sometimes employees are late because they are juggling too many tasks. Employees who attend college courses or have to take care of family responsibilities may need more time in the mornings. Implementing a flexible schedule allows employees to adjust their hours to a more manageable timetable. Accommodating an employee’s agenda can help improve their work-life balance and thus reduce their tardiness.
  3. Improve the company culture. If several employees are late on a regular basis, there may be a larger problem at play. If there is a toxic manager or aspect of the office that upsets employees, they aren’t going to make an effort to arrive on time. Taking steps to improve the work environment can reduce chronic tardiness.
  4. Reward good attendance. Employers expect employees to show up to work on time so rewarding this minimum may seem odd. However, positive reinforcement is usually more effective than negative actions. Consider offering a restaurant gift card or bonus vacation time to employees who have perfect attendance each quarter.
  5. Track employee attendance. Management can’t know an attendance problem exists or how bad it is without a system to track it. By keeping track of tardiness and absences, managers can address patterns of late arrivals before they become a habit.

Finding ways to reduce tardiness can improve productivity as well as the overall morale of the workplace. Contact the experts at Actec to learn more about managing employee attendance.