Advantages of Domestic Call Centers

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June 11th, 2019


Call centers provide the backbone to a wide variety of custom service operations throughout the world – from tech support and insurance claims to account management and even emergency response. Yet not all regions share the same languages, cultures, and styles of communication. Support from domestic call centers has proven more efficient and effective as there are fewer communication challenges due to the aforementioned reasons.

But the advantages of leveraging local and regional talent to support your organization in its call center apparatus extend far beyond improved communication – employing call center staff in communities where your customer reside helps them to relate to one another, creating a bond of trust and empathy that can be difficult to find in the internet age. Further, labor rights and job protections in the United States are far superior to those in most of the inexpensive developing nations commonly used in call center outsourcing. This makes domestic call center staffing both practical and ethical.

When retaining call center services for your organization, think about the importance of your client relationships and brand integrity. Opting for domestic call centers says as much about your intentions as an organization as it does about the quality of the services you provide. To learn more about call center operations, outsourcing, and the advantages of domestic call centers, contact us.

What Insurers Need to Know to Keep the Pace in the Next Digital Age

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June 3rd, 2019


The digitization of the claims process isn’t a new concept. Any insurer hoping to remain relevant knows they need to adapt and implement changes to keep up with customer expectations. Offering a mobile app is a good start, but transformative companies are revolutionizing the insurance landscape beyond this basic measure.

New insurers emerging from the FinTech sector harness the power of artificial intelligence alongside chatbots to eliminate brokers altogether. While this may seem like a radical business model, the processes of buying insurance and filing claims with these companies are simple and easy—a major lure to customers that are tired of confusing, frustrating traditional methods of filing a claim.

Implementing a Successful Digital Transformation

Insurance companies that want to keep pace with new-age providers need to address three areas to see the greatest results:

  1. Customer experience
  2. Efficiency
  3. Effectiveness

With happier customers, less expensive claims processes, and more accurate management of claims, insurers can guarantee their place in the industry. To achieve those goals, they will need to make the following changes:

  • Offer a digital method for first notice of loss (FNOL)
  • Automate claims management to expedite the claim
  • Accelerate loss assessments and repairs through digital means such as photos, videos, and geo-locators to find local repair facilities
  • Automate settlements to reduce customer frustration and unnecessary delays in receiving funds

Another way insurers can lean on technology is to try to prevent claims before they occur. Claims prevention is nothing new, but sending out useful information via digital means can help ensure the information reaches the customer in a timely manner. This also allows for active participation with customers through online portals and chats.

Before making any significant changes, insurers need to consider them from the customer’s perspective. If the change doesn’t offer a noticeable improvement on the front end, it won’t likely yield an increase in customer satisfaction. Insurers should focus their efforts on optimizing back-end processes to improve services for customers instead.

Technology has transformed the way insurance companies do business and what customers expect of their provider. Failing to keep pace with these things can lead to retention problems with existing customers as well as hinder acquisition efforts for new customers. To learn more about improving FNOL, claims management, and more, contact the experts at Actec.

How to Reduce Allergens in the Workplace

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May 27th, 2019


Many individuals suffer from seasonal allergies; however, for some, it’s a debilitating issue that can be hard to manage. With up to 30% of Americans suffering from allergies, it’s one of the top three reasons employees call out of work. It’s worth the time involved for employers to try and reduce allergens in the office as it improves productivity and employee well-being as well as reduces absences due to allergies.

The following are several steps employers can take to help the allergy sufferers in the building:

  1. Smart workspace arrangement. Many individuals suffer from pet allergies, with dogs and cats being the most common. When deciding where to place various workstations, keep these individuals in mind and avoid seating them next to a pet owner.
  2. Stay on top of filtration needs. Pollen infiltrates a building through obvious sources such as opening and closing exterior doors and windows. However, a robust air filtration system can help combat this. Changing air filters often can also help address this issue.
  3. Manage dust mites. Dust mites are among the most common allergens found in houses. Unfortunately, it’s very easy for employees to carry them from their home to the office without realizing it. Dust mite eggs can nest in carpets, upholstered furniture, and even cubical walls if they’re covered in any type of fabric. Frequent vacuuming and carpet cleaning can help reduce the number of dust mites that linger in the workplace. Dusting workspaces and wiping them down can also help.
  4. Avoid plug-in scents and aerosols. While these are common bathroom items, they also emit fumes that can cause serious issues for allergy sufferers. Companies should steer clear of cleaning products that eject volatile organic compounds into the air and use less abrasive alternatives instead.
  5. Find the best allergy medicine. While antihistamines are effective at reducing allergy-induced itchy, watery eyes and runny noses, they can also make employees drowsy. Tiredness is just as likely to affect productivity as allergy symptoms are, so it’s best to combat allergies with non-sedative antihistamines.

The constant sneezing, running noses, and other common issues related to allergies can render employees incapable of working if the symptoms become severe. Taking steps to reduce common allergens can help employees better manage their allergy symptoms, improve their productivity, and reduce allergy-related absences. Contact the experts at Actec to learn more about reducing absenteeism.

5 Questions to Ask When Employees Take Excessive Breaks

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May 20th, 2019


Absenteeism is a problem all workplaces have to manage. However, attendance problems aren’t limited to employees abusing their sick leave or calling out without notice on a regular basis. Smaller problems, such as tardiness, skipping out early, or excessively long lunch breaks can erode productivity and staff morale.

Long lunches can be particularly hard to notice since they occur in the middle of the day. Many employees take their lunch break at their leisure and the time can shift from day to day depending on meetings, projects deadlines, and more. Companies that allow for flexible work hours may have an even harder time noticing the long lunch breaks since employees arrive and leave at various hours.

Even so, there are several steps employers can take to rectify the issue without revoking the flexibility the rest of the staff enjoys and doesn’t misuse. Before approaching the employee, managers should try to identify possible explanations before jumping to biased conclusions. The following questions can help provide insight:

  1. Has the employee recently taken on more challenging work?
  2. Has a major life change occurred for the employee such as a new child, marriage, or family member moving in with them?
  3. Are employees aware of who to talk to when they are overwhelmed or unsure of their responsibilities?
  4. Do your employees have the tools they need to complete their work?
  5. Does the company’s culture encourage open lines of communication?

Answering these questions can tell management a great deal before even speaking with the employee. It is quite possible the problem lies more with the company culture than the employee if the individual feels unable to ask questions or communicate with their boss.

3 Likely Reasons for Long Breaks

While every employee’s situation is unique, a few common scenarios most often account for why employees take long lunches or frequent breaks during the day.

  1. There is a health issue or family concern. If an employee opts to share this information, employers should approach the situation with understanding and compassion. There may be federally mandated leave options for the employee as well to help them address the issue effectively before returning to work.
  2. They don’t feel challenged. Simple boredom can result in an hour-long lunch stretching into an hour and a half. If employees find their work to be dull and uninspiring, they aren’t going to feel compelled to return to the workplace. If that’s the case, offering these employees professional development opportunities or discussing increasing their responsibilities can be a step in the right direction.
  3. They are overwhelmed. If the employee recently took on new projects or responsibilities, the long breaks may be a way for him or her to escape from the new stressors. Discuss the challenges with the employee to identify easy to remove roadblocks or develop better work habits to help the individual manage his or her workload more effectively.

Ignoring attendance problems never ends well. In fact, other employees will notice the lack of response and will either grow resentful or emulate the behavior themselves. Implementing a robust absence reporting program can help identify attendance issues before they become a major concern as well as reduce absenteeism. To learn more, contact the experts at Actec.

4 Indicators of a Successful Insurance Provider

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May 13th, 2019


It’s common knowledge that some insurance companies perform better than others do. Expensive or premier policies, however, don’t always correlate to superior coverage or a better experience. The most effective insurers demonstrate superior efficiency, better financial outcomes, and happier customers. Identifying why those providers succeed and emulating those qualities is a good place to start for new or struggling insurers.

The following are several hallmarks of an effective insurance provider:

  1. Outstanding management of technology. It’s not enough to invest in a high-tech upgrade every few years or so. Insurance companies need to frequently evaluate their processes and organizational structure to ensure maximum efficiency. For example, implementing a data-driven software program will fail if the company can’t share information easily due to antiquated department siloes. Identifying and rectifying pain points can ease technology transitions and improve innovation.
  2. Strong, customer-centric mobile app. More often than not, a customer doesn’t want to call in and sort through a phone tree for a simple update on their claim. Successful insurance companies know that superior customer service is key to keeping members happy and ensuring continued growth. An easy way to achieve this is to set up a mobile app that allows customers to access files, submit claims data, and more.
  3. Maintaining Compliance with Regulations. There are numerous regulations that apply to the insurance industry. Antiquated systems slow down the claims process, which can lead to unintentional mistakes and increase the risk of fines or penalties. High quality insurers implement up-to-date processes that allow them to remain compliant and produce accurate compliance reports.
  4. Understanding the rapidly changing industry. Insurance is not unique in its recent transformation as technology rapidly accelerates capabilities alongside customer expectations. Almost every industry has experienced massive changes; however, insurance providers have the significant challenge of overcoming legacy systems. The outdated approaches to claims management cannot keep up with the sheer quantity of data available. This incompatibility affects responsiveness, customer satisfaction, and risk calculations. Insurance companies that want to withstand the test of time will need to keep pace with new technology as well as other factors influencing the industry.

Actec understands the difficulty involved for insurers to juggle new technology, claims efficiency, compliance, risk, and more. If your claims management process is causing more headaches than it is closing cases, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our full-cycle claim and incident reporting solutions.

5 Ways to Foster Better Wellness through the Workplace

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May 6th, 2019


Straight from cold and flu season to allergy season, most workplaces are seeing an increase in requests for time off due to illness. While these sick days are understandable, they still have a negative effect on productivity and put additional stress on the remaining employees. Taking the following steps can help prevent the spread of illness in the office:

  1. Eat nutritious foods. Eating a balanced, healthy diet can boost immune health. Providing employees with nutritional guides, apps, or even food during the day can help to adjust unhealthy habits and improve immune system function.
  2. Use appropriate hand washing techniques. Many people don’t wash their hands correctly. Giving a cursory rinse won’t do much to rid them of germs. Employees should aim to wash their hands with soap and warm water for one minute or longer. Employees should make it a habit to wash their hands regularly, especially before eating, and proper dispensers and cleaning agents should be used.
  3. Sanitize desks and high-traffic areas. Any surfaces that employees interact with regularly are breeding grounds for germs. The flu virus can live for an extended period of time without a host, so it’s easy to spread it around the office. Further, pollen, pet dander, and other contaminants get tracked in from outside and can aggravate allergies and sensitivities among colleagues. Using a sanitizer on surfaces and objects employees touch regularly can help reduce the spread of inflammation, disease, and other stressors.
  4. Encourage sick employees to stay home. Many employees feel compelled to return to work before they are fully recovered. This is a two-fold problem. For one, the employee may relapse from pushing too hard too soon, causing an even longer delay in their return. Another issue is that they may still be contagious and infect other employees. Ensure that you provide your employees with an adequate amount of sick time, that processes are in place in each team for such occasions, and that working from home during recovery is as easy as possible but not compulsory.
  5. Review sick leave policies. Employees need to understand their paid time off for sick leave and their options should they use it all. Employers also need to remain cognizant of protected leave such as time off that falls under the ADA or FMLA. Employers should also consider allowing employees to work from home following an illness. The CDC recommends employees stay home for a full 24 hours after they are fever-free without the assistance of medicine. While they may feel well enough to work, they could still be contagious.

Taking steps to ensure employees stay healthy is a great way to prevent absences due to illnesses. To learn more about absence management, contact the experts at Actec.

6 Things Adjusters Need to Tell Customers During FNOL

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April 15th, 2019


First Notice of Loss (FNOL) sets the tone for a claim and has a huge effect on customer satisfaction. If the customer has a poor experience during FNOL, it is next to impossible to turn their opinion around. When a customer calls in to report property damage or loss, they’re likely in a sensitive emotional state and will need some guidance. The following instructions can help ensure the customer has a positive property claim experience as well as expedite the process:

  1. Secure the property to prevent additional damage. Some types of damage will only get worse the longer they are left in that state. Adjusters should encourage customers to take numerous pictures and then implement temporary solutions to prevent further damage. Not only does this help save some of the customer’s property, but it can also reduce the overall repair costs for the insurer later. The adjuster should also remind the customer to keep any receipts for items purchased to make the repairs. Of course, adjusters should only recommend this if the customer can safely access the property.
  2. Take pictures. Field adjusters will take pictures of the damage when they arrive. However, supplying an insurer with personal pictures can help adjusters assess the extent of the damage and expedite the claim if necessary.
  3. Retain all damaged property. While it may seem odd to hold onto damaged belongings, it helps adjusters determine the full extent of the loss. Throwing out items before an adjuster can see them can affect the total amount of compensation.
  4. Keep all receipts. Numerous expenses can occur following a loss. Adjusters should remind customers to retain all their receipts related to dealing with the loss as they may qualify for reimbursement.
  5. Generate a detailed list of lost property. When a loss first occurs, a customer may be able to rattle off everything they lost. As more time passes, it’s easy to forget various items, which can result in an unfair settlement. To ensure clients receive accurate compensation, have them write it all down on a list.
  6. Notify the police if applicable. Some losses are due to theft and adjusters should instruct customers to file a police report in that event as well.

When adjusters take the time to walk customers through the above, they improve their experience as well as help expedite the claim. To learn more ways to improve FNOL and the claim cycle, contact the experts at Actec.

What Employers Need to Know About Protected Absences

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April 8th, 2019


Employees need access to paid time off to recover from illnesses, address family matters, and take well-deserved vacations. However, there is a big difference between an employee who calls out sick to recover from the flu and an employee who calls out frequently for no apparent reason. Every employer knows that chronic employee absences are bad for business; however, not all absences are punishable. In fact, federal law protects many of them.

Before employers begin disciplinary action against chronically absent employees, they need to make sure the employee didn’t miss work for any of the following reasons:

  1. FMLA. The Family and Medical Leave Act allows employees to take time off work to deal with major life events. These include the birth of a child; adopting a child; caring for a severely ill or injured parent, spouse, or child; severe health conditions that prevent the employee from working; and personal or family emergencies related to their involvement with the military. To qualify, employees must provide documentation such as a doctor’s note, adoption paperwork, etc.
  2. USERRA. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act protects service members against disciplinary action following absences due to their service. For example, the military may activate employees serving in the reserves, requiring them to deploy. This act protects absences related to tours of duty as well as absences spent addressing emotional and administrative issues related to the deployment.
  3. ADA. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with documented disabilities. If an employee misses work because his or her duties cause undue hardship, federal law protects that absence.
  4. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. While this act focuses on preventing discrimination in the workplace, employers need to keep it in mind when addressing absences. For example, the act protects employees who call out for a religious holiday or ceremony. Employees need to determine the root cause of an absence before beginning disciplinary actions; otherwise, they may find themselves facing a discrimination lawsuit.

While the above absences have legal protection, not all absences are legitimate. Employers need a robust absence management solution to help them keep track of employee attendance and determine which absences are reasonable and which require a closer look. Contact the experts at Actec to learn more about reducing absenteeism in the workplace.

Leveraging Analytics to Improve Claim Accuracy and Customer Outcomes

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April 1st, 2019


Insurers have to go through a lot of information when working a claim. They receive notes from adjusters, details from customers, and then have to compare it all against fraud analytics. With each insurance representative handling numerous claims, there isn’t enough time in the day for them to sift through every piece of data they encounter.

With data analytics, insurance companies can better track claims escalation, priority, and potential fraud. The following are several ways data analytics can improve insurance claims:

  1. Fraud detection and prevention. Out of every ten claims that cross an insurance agent’s desk, one of them will be fraudulent. Prior to data analytics, fraud detection was limited to rules-based programming that fraudsters could easily trick. Now, insurers can use predictive analysis to apply rules, search databases, make models, and more for more accurate fraud detection.
  2. Handling litigation. Sometimes customers dispute claims and they end up in litigation. Data analytics can pinpoint factors that typically lead to litigation, which allows insurance companies to assign those claims to more senior agents. Their skillset can allow them to settle those claims faster and at a lower expense.
  3. Assigning claims. This isn’t limited to litigation. Agents have varying areas of expertise and ensuring claims are assigned to the best fit can be a challenge. Agents often receive claims based on very limited data. As a result, claims often end up being reassigned, which causes delays and irritates the customer. Data analytics can group loss characteristics to assign claims to the adjusters that fit best.
  4. Improving settlement accuracy. When claims come in at a regular pace, insurance agents can give each one more attention. Following a disaster, however, settlements often get fast-tracked to help customers sooner. However, issuing blanket checks can result in exorbitant or unfair settlements. Analytics can help balance settlements by analyzing claims against claims history.

Using data analytics can help insurance companies differentiate themselves from local competition. Data can also help improve the customer’s experience, boost retention, and save money. Contact the experts at Actec to learn more about improving your claims processes.

5 Absenteeism Causes Lurking in Your Office

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March 25th, 2019


Employee absenteeism comes with a hefty cost. Employers lose money on the employees who aren’t working, the employees who have to stay late to pick up the slack, and on costs related to HR managing unplanned absences. However, while it’s easy to assume absenteeism stems from laziness, this is not typically the case. There are several underlying reasons that can contribute to attendance issues.

  1. Illnesses and injuries. This type of absence is unavoidable. If an employee is contagious or suffering from a debilitating injury, they can’t and shouldn’t come to work until they are fully recovered. Otherwise, they run the risk of infecting other office members or relapsing. Having a solid absence reporting system in place can help mitigate the effects of these types of absences as HR and employers can be aware of the issue as soon as possible and develop a plan to deal with it.
  2. Low morale. If conflict is a constant norm in the office, employees aren’t going to want to show up for work. Existing in an environment fraught with tension is less than ideal and ultimately results in attendance problems and low productivity. High-stress work environments can also cause low morale and disengagement. Management can mitigate some of this by offering positive feedback and rewarding exceptional work.
  3. Burnout. Some employees work themselves non-stop in their zeal to commit to their work. However, coming in early and staying late without a break will eventually result in burnout. Sometimes, employees do it to themselves because of their personalities. Other times, employees overwork themselves because they believe it’s what their managers expect. Setting realistic expectations for working hours can help prevent this issue.
  4. Not enough flexibility. A traditional nine to five schedule doesn’t work for everyone. Employees who attend college or have to get children to and from school may need to shift their work hours to the left or the right to ensure the best work-life balance. When employers force rigid schedules, it can breed resentment and result in attendance problems such as ducking out early.
  5. Time theft. Continuing with the above, not all forms of attendance issues manifest as missing an entire day’s worth of work. Tardiness to work or meetings, leaving early, or taking long breaks all add up to lost productivity.

Implementing an absence reporting solution can help give HR employees the tools to identify, track, and manage attendance issues. If your company is struggling with absenteeism or attendance problems, Actec can help. Contact us to learn more about managing absenteeism.