Claim intake strategies are as varied as the business landscape of the United States. Different organizations require different approaches, starting with an in-depth analysis of status and objectives. Deriving claim intake procedures from your unique needs ensures development of a custom workflow that fits. It’s critical to use your business rules to ensure accuracy, minimize call times, and reduce follow-up calls.
- Develop a best practices workflow for thorough and logically organized reporting
- Make claim reporting available through many media: telephone, e-mail, fax, website, even social media
- Implement a contact tracking module, to improve forms management and dissemination capabilities
- Rapid response to critical incidents including clear escalation procedures
- Ensure correct routing of claims with coverage verification and claim office assignment
While all of these capabilities can be developed in-house, it’s often more efficient and effective to outsource them to a professional claim intake center. To learn more about claim management, custom intake solutions, and outsourcing, contact us.